Port Haven Site Redesign

For a while now, it has been obvious that our main page for news and reviews on Port Haven has been in desperate need of a redesign. The original magazine design served us well for a time, but as Port Haven is looking to better itself over time, a new face on our main landing page was required. Through what has been a collaborative process, we have arrived at a site that we are pleased to share with you now. This may not be the final form that the new site will take, but it has been live and in beta for weeks now and we are excited to announce it to you today.


We are still learning and growing and our main page should reflect this process. There may still be some tweaking here and there on our new design but we are excited that this will breathe some new life into our Star Wars content as exciting things are going on in the Star Wars universe.

Additionally, if you have not being noticing recently, we have been doing a lot of work to maintain our Port Haven: The Star Wars Refuge Twitter and Youtube accounts. We hope you will engage with us there and be sure to like, follow, subscribe, retweet, comment, favorite, and all that kind of thing.


Also, we want to point out that while we are hoping to start and continue some exciting projects for Port Haven, we are committed to keeping the message boards just as friendly and homey as we can. We established this site for the forums to maintain the connection that we all originally loved on StarWars.Com and to give our family of fans there a new refuge and home here. That mission has not changed from that first day and we are committed to our message boards the same as always.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, we want all of these things to maintain the sense of community collaboration that we have always sought for Port Haven. If you are interested in helping us keep up with news, writing reviews of any new Star Wars material, or creating content for our Youtube channel, we would be more than happy to include your work so that we can keep our spirit of community involvement through everything we do. And even if you can’t contribute to these things, be sure to share our pages with your Star Wars friends and let us know what you think of the new design and content.

We hope that all of this is as exciting to you as it is to us and we hope that Port Haven stays around as our Star Wars Refuge for years to come.

May the Force be with us all.

About Professor Jango 442 Articles
Professor Jango is an Administrator on the Port Haven Forums as well as a regular contributor to Port Haven Magazine. In addition to portraying a professor on internet fansites, he is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science and is an actual professor.