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A Force Beyond Force

December 7, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

  Return of the Jedi has the reputation of being the weakest installment of the Original Trilogy, but it’s one of my favorite episodes of the film Saga, in large part because of a single perfect moment that plays out like this: Luke drives Vader to his knees, severs his arm…

The Real Expanded Universe

November 16, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

This is going to be a short article for a number of reasons. The first is that its premise requires little elaboration. The second is that it was originally a reaction to the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, but a mere two weeks from that momentous development, I am thoroughly


November 2, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

Mike Baron wrote the very first comic I ever read: Star Wars: The Last Command. More significantly, he was also a member of what I consider the generation of writers that made comic books better—and much weirder. I would name Baron’s Nexus and Badger alongside Wagner’s Grendel and Chadwick’s Concrete as some of the most significant original series of

Farewell to the Lucas Experience

November 2, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

In light of recent events, I feel compelled to express my thoughts on something that I personally feel is a complete shock to me. I’m one of the few people who is having a difficult time accepting this whole thing, and probably won’t come to terms with it for a

Greedo Shoots First

October 22, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

If you have no life, you may be aware of the heated debate surrounding the fact that Greedo shot first. Note that I said fact. In the 1977 theatrical edition of Star Wars , Han Solo shoots the bounty hunter Greedo in cold blood. In the 1997 Special Edition and

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Interview with Barbara Hambly

October 19, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

There’s little to say by way of introduction except that (1.) Barbara Hambly writes the way I’ve always wanted to write, (2.) she personally maintains an endlessly amusing Facebook fan page, and (3.) she is surprisingly gracious about interview requests from strangers with dubious journalistic credentials. (You should subscribe to that

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Interview with Kevin J. Anderson

October 12, 2012 Grand Admiral Sean 0

I could introduce this interview with the usual journalistic chatter: “Kevin J. Anderson is the internationally bestselling author of numerous novels in the Star Wars and Dune settings, as well as his own Saga of Seven Suns—” But you already know that, and if you didn’t you could learn it