Balancing the Force: The Mortis Trilogy Part 1

February 14, 2018 YB 0

  What does it mean to bring balance to the Force? It’s going to take us a few videos to get through it all. This series will tie-into the ongoing Kylo Ren/Rey series found here: We dive into the Mortis Trilogy. This video is just an introduction, breezing over

Season Three

August 27, 2014 YB 0

  Welcome to Season 3 of The Clone Wars! This is a season of high highs, low lows, and every level in between. The latter half of this batch of episodes is particularly action-packed. Once again the animation takes a giant leap forward with some absolutely stunning landscapes. The main characters

Season Two

May 5, 2014 YB 0

  Welcome to Season 2 of The Clone Wars! This season was often referred to as “The Clone Wars: Rise of the Bounty Hunters”. I’m not really sure why. I guess there are a lot of bounty hunters, but they don’t exactly do anything out of the ordinary. Last season

Season One

April 3, 2014 YB 0

  Welcome to the Season One Guide to The Clone Wars! This article has two purposes. 1) To break down the season story arc by story arc and give you an insight into the tone of each episode. 2) To clear up some confusion regarding the episodes that aired out

Introduction and Review of The Clone Wars Film

March 17, 2014 YB 0

So you’re considering watching The Clone Wars. Or maybe you’re a parent deciding if it’s appropriate for your youngling(s). But you’ve heard so many things! Anakin has a padawan! Darth Maul got duct taped! What happened to the Mandalorians? Is this show really worth the time? The answer is… Maybe!

Maul, Mandalorians, and Mass Murder

January 31, 2013 Professor Jango 0

WARNING: MAJOR The Clone Wars SPOILERS The new episodes of The Clone Wars are a breath of fresh air. Bloody, destructive, fresh air. Based on the time in which the show airs, season 5 seems to have been geared towards an understandably younger audience, but now I believe that was just buttering us up