Port Haven Fridate July 13th, 2018

Hey! We’re back with a Friday Update! Professor Jango and YodaBauer talk about what they’ve been up do and make some site announcements!

Check out our friend Bear Naked Gaming! https://www.youtube.com/c/bearnakedgaming

And follow Adam Christopher on Twitter @ghostfinder

YodaBauer’s article about fandom: https://ift.tt/2uyS12j

Follow us on Twitter @PortHavenForums and visit Port-Haven.Com for more!

Proud member of the #YTWP

About Professor Jango 442 Articles
Professor Jango is an Administrator on the Port Haven Forums as well as a regular contributor to Port Haven Magazine. In addition to portraying a professor on internet fansites, he is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science and is an actual professor.