Who is Rey’s Daddy? (Battlefront II Follow Up)

Okay, so the first Rey theory video was recorded before all the hub bub about that one part of Battlefront II started circulating. You know the part I mean. If you don’t know the part then that means spoilers are ahead for you. Read at your own risk.

The long and the short of it is two of the main characters from Battlefront II hook up at the end of the original campaign and the question is do they make sweet baby Rey? In a lot of ways the timeline makes sense. But at the same time this could be a case of seeing Rey anytime a mysterious daughter pops up! In the case that this theory IS true I’m not convinced it’s actually a new theory. I think these two could be the names to fit the nameless unknowns in the event Rey is not related to a known character. And if it’s true we definitely won’t get a huge reveal scene in TLJ because to be honest it’s only a small percentage of people who are going to see The Last Jedi who will know the names Del Meeko and Iden Versio.

For a more detailed discussion see the video above!

Check out the original video here: https://youtu.be/rTTD7W1aj-o

Come chat with us about Rey here: http://forums.port-haven.com/topic/10395816/1/

Proud member of the YouTube Wolfpack! #YTWP

YB, also known as YodaBauer, is a moderator at Port Haven. She generally likes anything with "Star Wars" printed on it somewhere as well as numerous TV shows that she never shuts up about. Any of her spelling and grammar choices are purely her own and do not reflect the views of Port Haven.