Port Haven StreamCast – Don’t Feed the Force Plants! – Episode 27

Today we’re doing a discussion and review of Star Wars: Red Harvest by Joe Schreiber, the prequel to his novel Star Wars: Death Troopers! This time zombie stormtroopers are replaced with zombie Sith. What could possibly go wrong???

Check our Death Troopers video from last Halloween here: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=MvC_zHJy4GY

Check out our past StreamCasts here: https://goo.gl/qgMK1d

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Proud Member of the #YTWP

YB, also known as YodaBauer, is a moderator at Port Haven. She generally likes anything with "Star Wars" printed on it somewhere as well as numerous TV shows that she never shuts up about. Any of her spelling and grammar choices are purely her own and do not reflect the views of Port Haven.