Season Three


Episodes 12-14: “Nightsisters” “Monster” “Witches in the Mist” 
Synopsis: I’m not sure how to sum up these episodes in a few sentences. When Dooku turns on his apprentice he finds himself in need of a new one. But this is a mistake as Ventress is one of an Amazonian Dark Side Magic Cult of Awesome. To make matters worse Dooku is dumb enough to go back to these witches for his new assassin, called Savage Oppress (Yes, that’s really his name. He’s cool, I promise.) Things get weird for Obi-Wan as Savage looks strangely like another adversary that he has faced before… Everything builds towards a whole lot of saber fighting that involves Anakin, Obi-Wan, Savage, Ventress, and Dooku.

Rating: RotS. These episodes rock. The story it captivating, well structured, and adds another layer of meaning to the Star Wars universe. I love that the now “Legendary” Nightsisters make their canon debut! (Too soon?) These are rather dark episodes, probably not the best for the young Padawans. But if you watch any episodes of this season, heck any episodes of this series, these should be the ones.

Warning! Canon Shifts Ahead: I suppose this is all unnecessary in light of the canon announcement, but for the curious be prepared for a lot of change. Ventress’ back story, while thematically the same as the comics, changes her species and a lot of her motivations.

Fun Fact: Omega Squad has a brief cameo in the third episode!

Episodes 15-17: “Overlords” “Altar of Mortis” “Ghosts of Mortis”
Synopsis: Get ready for a trip! The Jedi receive a mysterious signal from the middle of nowhere. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are sent to investigate. What follows is an adventure where the Force itself comes alive. Anakin must face his destiny with the fates of Obi and Ahsoka in the balance. A strange elderly figure known as Father struggles as his children (Son and Daughter) are at odds. The outcome of their fight could change the course of the galaxy and only The Chosen One can see this through. Are they mere visions or the Force incarnate?

Rating: ESB. These are the most polarizing episodes of the series. Fans find these either a confusing mess and a waste of time or some of the most intriguing and important episodes of the series. I can’t begin to guess what you’ll think but I fall safely on the side of intrigued. As for the implications of these episodes, I could write a whole article.

YB, also known as YodaBauer, is a moderator at Port Haven. She generally likes anything with "Star Wars" printed on it somewhere as well as numerous TV shows that she never shuts up about. Any of her spelling and grammar choices are purely her own and do not reflect the views of Port Haven.