Season One


Episode 1: “Ambush”
Synopsis: Yoda does Yoda things! A Toydarian King (a Watto who’s required to bathe) wants to talk shop with Yoda. Ventress shows up to kill Yoda (because that’s totally a thing that could happen.) The Jedi Master as well as three trusty clone troopers find themselves in the middle of a contest, winner gets the rights to a military base. Really, I could have stopped at Yoda does Yoda things.

Rating: ANH . (Don’t know the ratings system? Read it here!) The battle droids might make this episode seem kiddy. You’re going to love them or hate them. Their dim-witted and corny humor is more of an appeal to the young and young at heart. But I would not say this is a kids only episode. There are some great moments between Yoda and his troops that are a must for the bucket heads out there.

Fun Fact: Lieutenant Thire is also in Revenge of the Sith. He’s the trooper tasked with finding Yoda’s body after his duel with Palps. (Awkward turtle.)

Episodes 2-4: “Rising Malevolence” “Shadow of Malevolence” “Destroy Malevolence” 
Synopsis: This trilogy of episodes deals with General Grievous Separatist super ship The Malevolence. This ship has a super duper gun canon that can wipe out an entire fleet. In the first episode Anakin and Ahsoka go on a daring mission to rescue a Jedi Master that got caught in the crossfire: Plo Koon! In the second episode Anakin leads a fighter squadron to try and cut off the super ship by way of a treacherous smugglers route. And in the third installment, the Republic is oh so close to destroying the ship when Padme Amidala shows up to do what she does best. She gets trapped aboard Malevolence and Obi-Wan and Anakin rush in to save her.

Rating: AotC. The third episode is very action packed (and humorous), but the first two are more about suspense. They provide an interesting look at Anakin’s interactions with the Jedi Council. You also get a look at how Anakin is adjusting to being a teacher, and how Ahsoka is dealing with life outside the temple. The third episode alone makes this arc worth watching.

Episode 5: “Rookies”
Synopsis: A rookie squad of clone troopers has the rewarding life of watching nothing at all happen at a backwater military base. Things get a lot more interesting when the Separatists try to sneak past to do dastardly things. The whole base comes under attack as Commander Cody and Captain Rex arrive.

Rating: ESB. We get to see some troopers on their own without the aid of a Jedi. It’s great to see how these troopers opperate without Force-users hogging the spotlight. This is easily one of the best episodes of the season, if not the entire series. It packs a lot of heart for just 22 minutes. Also, Dee Bradley Baker is a master of giving every clone a unique voice.

YB, also known as YodaBauer, is a moderator at Port Haven. She generally likes anything with "Star Wars" printed on it somewhere as well as numerous TV shows that she never shuts up about. Any of her spelling and grammar choices are purely her own and do not reflect the views of Port Haven.